Thankfully, it was a dream.
I like to think that if I have children, they will be both extremely cute and extraordinarily well-behaved. But one can never know for certain. Having kids is a big roll of the dice. You just hope you land on sixes (or whatever is the good number in dice rolling).
Anyway, the real reason for this post (aside from my nightmarish children I dreamt about last night) is this article I read awhile back about having kids. Click on the baby to be redirected.
So that's a big up-in-the-air question. And I know that for some people, it's a deal-breaker. You either want kids or you don't. But for me for right now - I'm still debating this one. And I that's also why I didn't include it in this site's criteria (I know that some online dating sights have it in their filtered searches) - but to me, I'm open to dating a guy who wants kids and a guy who doesn't. And I guess it would be something we'd have to discuss and figure out as we got to know each other.