Regardless - it was so amazingly fun to be in the studio all day pretending to be a total pop star.
I spent most of today in a recording studio singing for a student film soundtrack. It was seriously a blast. I was also able to get some GMCLA friends in on the fun. But since I was the only tenor, I got to sing both the solos and the tenor back-up part. So this soundtrack will be a bit Steve Scott heavy.
Regardless - it was so amazingly fun to be in the studio all day pretending to be a total pop star.
If a night out in West Hollywood is good for anything, it's good for making you completely insecure about your body.
It's time to work out! ...right after some brunch at IHOP. (PS - I actually just went down the list of my categories to see if "gym" made it on the list - I was saddened but not surprised that it was missing. Not a single reference to working out - three references to food. ...priorities.) I bid on a few items on eBay for my dad for his birthday - sure his birthday was on July 18 - but I think he'll really like these items.
The catch? -- The auctions don't end for three days... so yes. I'm a bad son who didn't plan enough to get his father a gift on his actual birthday - and to make up for it, I'm trying to get something that he'll really like - but will take another week or more to get to him. Ugh. I hope he likes them. OMG - what if he doesn't like them? I'm heading to West Hollywood tonight to pass out fliers for Sunday's Hairspray Sing-Along with GMCLA.
If you see me, say hi! I had a dream last night that I was raising two children - and these children weren't so much children as they were demons! They were such terrors. I couldn't believe it. Thankfully, it was a dream. I like to think that if I have children, they will be both extremely cute and extraordinarily well-behaved. But one can never know for certain. Having kids is a big roll of the dice. You just hope you land on sixes (or whatever is the good number in dice rolling). Anyway, the real reason for this post (aside from my nightmarish children I dreamt about last night) is this article I read awhile back about having kids. Click on the baby to be redirected. So - I just don't know if I want kids. I know for certain that I am in no place financially to have them soon. There's obviously part of me that wants a family - I want to have kids and share in the joys and pains of raising them with a partner. But on the other hand, part of me just wants to have a partner - and travel and maybe raise dogs - and not worry about daycares and money for college (which, I'm still paying off for myself - btw).
So that's a big up-in-the-air question. And I know that for some people, it's a deal-breaker. You either want kids or you don't. But for me for right now - I'm still debating this one. And I that's also why I didn't include it in this site's criteria (I know that some online dating sights have it in their filtered searches) - but to me, I'm open to dating a guy who wants kids and a guy who doesn't. And I guess it would be something we'd have to discuss and figure out as we got to know each other. Gay Day Ten is 66 days away and planning is already in full swing.
Gay Day is the anniversary of the day I came out of the closet - and I celebrate every year. This year will be the tenth anniversary - so it's gonna be huge - and I'm soooooo excited! So save the date - October 1! YAY GAY DAY! At the risk of sounding crazy - I'm going to tell you a secret, potential 122-er. I like to talk things out at my desk. It's like I'm having a one-sided conversation with myself. Normally, I'm yelling at myself for doing something stupid.
Today that is exactly what I was doing - I had made a stupid mistake and was telling myself how stupid it was - when I thought (not out loud) that maybe I shouldn't have known better - I'm not old enough where the mistake's obvious perils are so obvious. And then later in the day when someone asked for the year of my birth (it's 1982) - she responded with "Oh you're so young." But am I?!? I'm nearly 30. On the sliding scale to 50, I'm actually closer to being 50! I literally have one foot in the grave already. How can I be young? But then again - am I still able to hide being my age in certain areas? And if so what are the limits? I feel like I'm too young to be smart with my money in terms of investing - but I'm too old to be stupid with my money in terms of pointless purchases. So where's the line? I give up. I'm going for some frozen yogurt. Today, while I was at work - the people from Hollywood Sheet Music called me on my cell phone. They had found the sheet music that I had asked about in passing - and had it ready for me to come and purchase when I was free. I literally just made an off-hand comment about a specific song - and they went and found the music and have it ready for me.
Hollywood Sheet Music is GREAT! I purchased sheet music from Hollywood Sheet Music yesterday - and although I was nervous to go in and shop around due to my general lack of knowledge - it was a great place with a great staff. I had a lot of fun. I highly recommend Hollywood Sheet Music to anyone who is in the area and needs pretty much any sheet music (classical, contemporary, Broadway, etc.)
And the sheet music brings to me my next point - SAVE THE DATE! - I'm planning Gay Day 2011 and it's gonna be awesome! October 1, 2011 will mark the ten year anniversary of me coming out of the closet - and I can't wait. HEY - I cooked dinner for myself tonight... and it wasn't in the microwave and wasn't a sandwich!!! I'm really proud.
I want to keep this up. Soooo - give me some of your favorite recipes. Please make them a bit on the "beginner" side as I'm still learning. Send them to me in the "Contact Steve" page. I'll make them and document the process on this blog. |
February 2012